1-978-392-8990 | craig@bostonprnetwork.com | info@bostonprnetwork.com
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Craig's diligence and editor's eye view allowed our upstart research business [TrendWatch] to build its brand and draw the curiosity of the industry in just months, when old-style PR would have taken years.

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Dr. Joe Webb
President, Strategies for Management, and former owner of TrendWatch

Henry Wagner presentsHenry Wagner presenting, photo used with his permission

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Marketing is not about your agency winning awards, it's about your organization winning business.

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David Meerman Scott



Our Services

Boston PR Network is a boutique public relations agency with over 25 years experience dedicated to the graphic arts and printing industry. BPRN has helped hundreds of marketers from the largest to the smallest companies effectively communicate their message to customers.

Press Releases

Boston PR Network's list of graphic arts influencers and associations is both extensive and pinpointing. Started in 1994, we've used our evolving email list to help promote the offerings of Agfa, Scitex, Creo, EFI, and hundreds of both large and small industry vendors over that time. And, having distributed almost 1,400 press releases, we've learned how to combine today's most sophisticated technology with over 20 years of graphic arts industry experience.

Personalized and Trackable Messaging

Each news release we distribute is targeted, personalized, formatted in both text and HTML (allows servers that can't accept HTML to default to text), distributed to appear to come from the client, and tracked (we can tell who opened the email, and who re-opened it).

Worldwide or Local Delivery

BPRN can help deliver your news worldwide or to a defined geographic area. Our list is broken out by interest of each contact, geographic area, and/or several other categories. This allows us, for example, to serve either just your American distribution needs or your worldwide needs, as well as target the writers interested in just your specialty.

Database Development

We work with our clients to develop a separate list of distributors, company partners, customers and prospects, company officials and staffers, and/or industry contacts who should be informed of each announcement. We can manage this list for you or you can supply it to us for each news blast. Since we don't charge any more to send news to 100 contacts or 2,000, we're an economical and efficient means of broadcasting your news.

Why keep up marketing and PR in down times? by Mary Teresa Bitti, Financial Post  

HANGING TOUGH by James Surowiecki